Thursday, November 4, 2010

Has it really been over a year?

Well yes it has. I can't believe it and I apologize. Here's what's going on in my May 2009 it was time for me to put the roll of stay-at-home mom behind me and I started a part-time job at Fishers Pediatric Dentistry. This part-time job has turned into a full-time job and I LOVE it. I love the office, I love my co-workers and I love my boss. I am very blessed to have been given the opportunity to work at such an amazing place and still have interaction with children! But since working full-time I've put my love of photography on a back burner. I still take photos for friends and family but I haven't been marketing my business at all. I'm always busy with photo sessions in the gorgeous Fall season and have had quite a few sessions lately. It's stirring my passion again and I think I want to dust off the lenses and get back into it. I won't be able to book sessions throughout the week like I did before, because let's face it....after working an 8-9 hour day I want to go home and just be a mom and wife. But the weekends are fair game to my photography (but I may need to lug my kids with me now and then).

So there you have it! I'm going to try to play catch-up on here and post some recent work. And I'm going to get my camera out more! I promise.

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